Einträge in Related News
Fostering Women's Increased Participation in Sinjar's Economic Recovery

“We lost all we had, whether property or money. We even lost our people after the genocide,” says Shamy Hassan Fares. Watch the video to learn more about Shamy and Nadia's Initiative's work to empower women in Sinjar.

Restoring Access to Primary Education in Hayali Village

Nadia’s Initiative recently built and furnished Hayali Primary School in South Sinjar and is now working with the Sinjar Education Directorate to staff and reopen the school. Soon, 80 students in Hayali village will be able to access education in their own village.

Nadia's Initiative Provides Access to Clean Water and Sanitation in Dugure

Nadia’s Initiative is rehabilitating/constructing a total of 7.1 kilometers of internal water networks in Dugure complex, providing safe drinking water to over 8,359 residents. The work is part of our comprehensive WASH project restoring clean water to 22 villages in Sinjar.

Nadia's Initiative 2nd Women’s Small Business Incubator: Fabric Shop

Nadia's Initiative is building an integrated framework for women's economic empowerment based on their experiences, skills, and capacities. This empowerment program has directly helped 50 women rebuild their lives, reduce their economic marginalization, and reclaim their agency.

Importance of Empowering Women in Post-Conflict Settings

Gender inequality is a deep-seated and complex issue. The reasons for it are widespread and rooted in religion, culture, and history. We can empower women all over the world by increasing access to education, reproductive rights, the right to autonomy, job opportunities, and equal pay.

Statement by Nadia Murad on US-Led Raid Targeting ISIS Leader

Nadia’s Initiative welcomes the news of renewed actions through multilateral cooperation that continue to dismantle ISIS’ top command. The raid led by U.S. Special Forces this morning in Syria, serves to remind ISIS victims and survivors worldwide that they have not been forgotten by the international community.

A Year in Review - Nadia's Initiative's 2021 Women's Empowerment Projects

Seven years have passed since Yazidi women experienced the worst crimes against humanity. Many lost their dreams, loved ones, and lives when ISIS invaded Sinjar, and are still suffering to this day. Learn more about our 2021 work in our Women’s Empowerment sector.
